Chrissy Cottrell's Profile:

Chrissy Cottrell has 6 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 678 times.

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Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver,
V6J 1K1,
In 2009, she established Chrissy & Co in order to build a Vancouver interior design firm that would bring a curated mixture of elegance, sophistication and a sense of approachable luxury into her client's homes. In January 2016 she launched Vancouver's first concept boutique, Curated Home By Chrissy & Co, with a curated mixture of fine art, fine furnishings, lighting and decor with a design studio centered as the heartbeat of her vision. Serving as an eclectic mix of rare and one of a kind curated pieces from Paris, England, New York, L.A and Toronto to name just a few.
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Home Improvement (1) Interior Design (5)